Meaningful, Actionable, and Helpful.

Delta CX Media is a new self-publishing imprint focused on business, process, and personal transformations. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality content and media in authors’ original voices.

Most recent publications

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Life After Tech: Redefine Yourself and Discover New Work Opportunities

After decades of building a tech career, author Debbie Levitt is one of many people with questions, anxieties, and doubts. As a mentor and coach, the employed and unemployed often ask her, “What happened to tech jobs?” and “What will I do next?

Life After Tech is your personal and proactive journey. Eighteen introspective exercises—plus templates and examples—make Life After Tech a guide and a workbook. Use the “Phoenix Flight Plan” to get grounded, plan, rise, and soar.

Debbie addresses common career change emotions and fears through sensitivity, critical thinking, humor, and vulnerability. She provides fresh advice and perspectives while avoiding the toxic positivity that plagues job struggles.

You are the phoenix. It’s never too early to plan what you’ll do when you’re done with tech… or tech is done with you.

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Canetti Perfetti book series for children and other dog lovers

The true adventures of five dogs in the Italian countryside. The “Canetti Perfetti” family are Olivia and her brother Romeo, plus three of Olivia’s pups: Diana, Pisolo, and Teseo.

Our blended dog family includes five very different personalities:

  • Free-spirited Olivia has a large group of friends she likes to visit. Sometimes they come to see her too.
  • Foreman Romeo wants to be involved in everybody’s projects, and is bad at keeping secrets.
  • Patient Teseo is happy to wait his turn, and is a daydreamer imagining adventures only he can see.
  • Wacky Pisolo is a clown and wants a lot of attention. He copies and follows others, but sometimes comes up with something clever on his own.
  • Genius Diana is a planner and a leader even though she’s the smallest of our dogs. She always has an idea and solution.
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Disruptive Research: Discover Unmet User Needs That Drive Revolutionary Innovations

Your company wants to innovate, disrupt, grab market share, and leap past competitors rather than play catch-up, but the methods you tried had little or no success. Despite trying to be Agile, Lean, efficient, fast, and possibly even customer-centric, common design practices struggle in creating successful outcomes for businesses and ecosystems.

Disruptive Research delves into how knowledge-oriented research and design can uncover truly exceptional insights and create disruptive innovations. If your company is curious about or already likes Jobs To Be Done or discovery-focused methods, Disruptive Research will show how to achieve greater success by following its proven process.

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Customers Know You Suck: Actionable CX Strategies to Better Understand, Attract, and Retain Customers

Customers Know You Suck is the how-to manual for customer-centric product-market fit. Its highly actionable models, maps, and processes empower everyone to improve the Customer Experience (CX). Learn how to investigate, diagnose, and act on what’s blocking teams. Gather the evidence and data that better inform decisions, leading to increased satisfaction, conversion, and loyalty. Use our governance model for implementing and monitoring the progress, success, and failure of internal process changes and experiments.